Sunday, October 12, 2008

Where did the time go?

October 12, 2008. That makes our little man four months old today! That's one-third of a year. Where in the heck did the time go? I say that, yet it's hard to imagine life without him. Life without diapers, without bottles, without colorful toys littering our floors. A time when we could go to bars, when we stayed up past 11pm on a Friday and when we got to sleep all night long. Well, maybe I CAN imagine those days (and occassionally long for them during those 4am feedings). But I wouldn't trade it for the world. Nick is so much fun, especially now that he smiles and giggles and interacts. We started swimming lessons last week and when he got dunked, he didn't cry or nothin'! We've had a blast showing him the world, from the car, from the Baby Bjorn, cruising in the Bob and riding in the Burley. We know it's only going to get better. He's got a personality and he's learning how to communicate. It's so cool to watch him learn. Other parents always tell me how fast they grow up, and I'm starting to understand what they mean.

1 comment:

sbt said...

He's such a cutie Katy! Want to try and go hiking on Monday 10/21? That's my first official day of non-work! If we go early we could come back and I could help you make pumpkin whoopie pies for pumpkin carving?