Friday, March 19, 2010


The last time I wrote was when I got back from Vegas. Now, more than 4 months later, Andy is in Vegas for the weekend and I'm finally sitting down to write again. The last four months have been a whirlwind, full of both fun and not-so-fun things. But when it comes down to it, we are happy, healthy, and, if Andy does well in Vegas, wealthy! I'll settle for the first two.

Our last several months have been eventful...we spent Thanksgiving Day with great friends here in Portland and then jetted off for a weekend in Phoenix with Andy's family. We spent two weeks in Colorado over Christmas where we had lots of quality time with friends and family. We were also there for the passing of my Grandma Corkey. We have some great final memories and are thankful that we were there to celebrate her life.

We spent the month of January in and around Portland - getting in a few days at the mountain and enjoying a lot of sunny winter days. February brought a bit of a change of pace to the Nardecchia household. Andy had a fluke skiing accident at the beginning of the month, which left him with a broken left ankle and right wrist. A week in the hospital and two surgeries later, he was home but pretty incapacitated. Luckily his brother Joe had already been planning a visit and extended it to help out for a few weeks. Not exactly the ski vacation he was looking forward too! He was a life-saver though!

Five weeks later, Andy is doing amazingly well. He's back to work doing limited procedures and manages to get around really well on his knee scooter. Hell, he's in Vegas right now! His attitude has been great and he's focused on getting back to normal. Hopefully this will be a distant memory before we know it.

Despite the set-back, we were able to get away for a family weekend to Victoria a few weeks ago. Andy went to Vegas this weekend with friends from Denver. And next weekend we are off to Sayulita, Mexico for a week with my family. I can't wait!

This hardship has made me even more thankful for the things we have in our life - wonderful family, amazing friends (what did we do to deserve you guys??), and the best little boy we could ask for.