Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Bath time!

Baths in the sink are my new favorite pasttime with Nick. Here he is in all his glory.

Sunday, February 08, 2009

Back to Reality

It's been over a month since I last posted something and a lot has changed since then. First of all, Nick is becoming a little boy. He can sit up, play with toys, eat anything and everything, and keep us all entertained. He is so good-natured and as long as he's well-rested and well-fed, is up for anything. He's been hiking, skiing, snowshoeing and biking this winter. His smile is infectious and his laugh contagious.

Given that I've been home with him for nearly eight months, it was bittersweet when I returned to work this past Monday. Fortunately, Andy is able to stay home with Nick on Mondays and I on Wednesdays. The other three days he is at Next Generation Kids daycare, just 2 blocks from our house. Nick must've been ready for a change in routine as he seems to be doing great. NGK is a great place; Nick loves it there and they adore him. Much to my dismay, he didn't even shed a tear when we left!

Being back at work has been better than I expected. It's nice to be back in the working world, interacting with adults, and bringing home a paycheck! My four-day work week is a great balance. I feel so fortunate that I was able to stay home as long as I did and I think we were both ready for new stimulation. Now I just have to get used to setting my alarm and showering daily!