Tuesday, November 25, 2008

A November to remember...

Short, rainy, dreary days. The harsh realization that I might not see the sun for months. The onset of seasonal depression. That's what November usually brings to Portland. We seemed to be lucky this month though - we saw the sun a lot and so far, have had a great month! With only a few days left and a fun Thanksgiving planned with our friends, it's looking like it's going to end on a high note!
Early this month, we got out for a great hike in the Gorge with Sean. We did the Multnomah-Wahkeena Falls loop. The following weekend, my parents came out for a visit. As usual, the weather did not entirely cooperate while they were here, but we still got out for a short, wet hike up Eagle Creek with the Jacobsons. They enjoyed some quality time with Nick and got a lesson in Prius driving (Who knew those bumpers were so durable?!). We can't wait to see them again at Christmas!
The middle of November was absolutely gorgeous. We did one of my favorite hikes, Mirror Lake and Tom, Dick & Harry on Mt. Hood. We were stripping down layers on our way up and enjoyed what felt like summertime at the summit.
This past weekend we headed up to Seattle to visit Amber & Ryan and their new addition, Lily Grace and to see the twins, Mollie & Jenny, who just stated school at UW this fall. We had a great time seeing everyone and meeting Lily. Nick thought she was pretty cute and Amber & Ryan are doing great. Mollie & Jenny have settled in well to college life - we are glad to have them closer!
We got our first glimpse of winter on a hike up to Snow Lake on Snoqualmie Pass. We weren't quite prepared for how cold it was at the top and learned a valuable lesson about the importance of keeping our baby warm. He's a pretty good communicator though and luckily for us, very resilient!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Nick's growing up!

You know, I go back and forth between wanting Nick to get older and more independent and wanting him to stay a sweet little baby forever. On one hand, it will be nice to not have to do everything for him but it makes me sad to think he won't always be 100% dependent on me. It is fun though, watching him reach new milestones. Like last week, just as I finally perfected holding his bottle with my chin so I could drink my wine while feeding him, he learned to hold it on his own. We are so proud!
At the Blazers game with Ben & Jen

Saturday, November 01, 2008

Halloween 2008

The Hockey Mom, Joe Six-Pack and our little Pig in Lipstick

Fidel Castro the Dick-Tater (Daren) and Sarah Palin (Becky)

A Bird's Nest (Merrill) and an ER Doc, straight from surgery (Stacy)

Dr. Nardecchia (Sean), although by this point he preferred the pig head to the bald head
A Witch (Sarah) and her Bitch (Thor)